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NJ Fisheries Forum (Bob Jones)
March 19, 2004
2:17 pm

Hey guys,just got back from the fisheries forum.Its a shame more guys could not make it .You south jersey guys could have made suggestions to what lakes you would like stocked and you'd have been talking to the people that have that power..They wanted to now what the anglers would like and it was a missed oportunity for some.Theres always next year.I did get to meet alot of their staff and they were all very nice .I'd like to thank lisa,hugh,bob and craig for taking the time to talk with me.Let me know how we can help you and your staff.It will be a pleasure to work with all of you. The sportsman center is having a fishing festival this weekend{march 20-21}.We have a table for the two days.I CAN NOT DO THIS MYSELF.I will be there sat from 9 am till 7 pm.Can any one join me even if its only for a couple of hours.I think chuck will be there sunday and i hope archie can help him but i dont know for sure.If we can get 2 or 3 guys to take turns on both days it shoudnt be bad.E mail me as soon as you can on this.Thanks bob@mi50.com..

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