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Big Fish Stacked on FF
January 10, 2014
8:56 pm
Mike D
Forum Posts: 1999
Member Since:
October 1, 2008
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So as cabin fever sets in and I cant go fishing, I gotta do something. Last March, note snow flurries on screen, I marked some big fish stacked up in a few spots approaching 60 feet. Only possibilities I can guess at are carp and or muskies. Do you think these could be muskies in groups that large?

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January 12, 2014
3:52 am
Forum Posts: 225
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March 26, 2004
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My money is on carp, maybe with a few well-fed muskies mixed in.

At a typical average population density of one muskie per acre, that would mean that you had every muskie in the whole lake or river under your boat.

I guess the only proof is actually dropping a lure down there and seeing what eats it, but I have never had much luck doing that when coming across a pile of fish like that in deep water. I've tried to drop an Aqua-Vu camera down into schools of fish like that a few times, but didn't see anything. Come to think of it, the only fish I have ever seen on it are carp.


January 12, 2014
5:19 am
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 337
Member Since:
December 8, 2011
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Big fish follow bait, summer and winter they stack. I believe!

220...., 221...., Whatever it takes.

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