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Upper Potomac river
January 6, 2010
6:09 pm
Forum Posts: 99
Member Since:
January 17, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well I was sitting at school bored as usual... looking up new places to fish.. I found an article in a MD fishing magazine about upper Potomac river muskies.. some of the pictures are pretty nice.. i looked up stocking reports but i only found info on tigers, and all the fish in the pictures i found were pures. its only about three hours away so its not out of reach.. if anyone has anymore information on this or would like to head out that way in the spring to waste some time ;D let me know

Great fisherman aren't born... it takes a lifetime of neglecting other things to get that way.

January 6, 2010
11:25 pm
Pinebarrens N.J.
Forum Posts: 1749
Member Since:
January 19, 2009
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I read that also at barnes n Noble over new years. Cool read. they said there still looking for answers about how, but they say the ones that are there are breeding naturally. ill see if i can find the mag again. seeya Ron

July 16, 2010
1:37 am

I'm a new member. I fish the Potomac. There isn't much muskie water.

Pures have NEVER been stocked in MD until '09. The myth of the current fish goes like this....Some PA guy who used to bass fish the UP (upper potomac) used to bring muskies from PA down. They started showing up here in the early 70s. MD tried last year for the first time to stock them. The water really came up just after that and they think it didn't work out much.

Washington county is the best county for muskies. The DNR claims it good enough and will try to stock the river that is more west of that county.

We have one lake with tigers...Little Seneca Lake. The DNR stopped stocking that a couple years ago because of VHS. The fish are getting older (and bigger) but have not replacements in sight.

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