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Muskie Summit II - Saturday Oct 18th @ 1pm
October 10, 2014
7:32 pm
MI50 group

Forum Posts: 475
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February 19, 2004
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Peeps - We will be presenting at this summit (see agenda at the bottom of this topic)
Hope you all can make it!

Meeting Scheduled at Cabela’s to Update Anglers on Musky Management Plan

October 8, 2014

HARRISBURG, Pa. (Oct. 8) - The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) will host an afternoon meeting on Saturday, Oct. 18, at the Cabela’s store in Hamburg to update anglers on the progress made to date on the muskellunge management plan and to receive additional angler feedback on musky fishing and management in Pennsylvania.
The meeting will be held on October 18 at 1 p.m. at the Cabela’s store in Hamburg, located north and east of Harrisburg at 100 Cabela Drive, Hamburg, PA 19526.

“The meeting is designed to improve the Commission’s commitment toward increased communication with our angling groups and improved communication exchange,” said Dave Miko, Chief of the PFBC Division of Fisheries Management. “It will focus on a wide range of topics, including the progress that has been made on the numerous aspects of the statewide musky management plan released in October 2012, presentations on hatchery culture of musky, current results from PFBC tagging studies, and projects performed by musky clubs.”

The meeting also will include time for structured discussion and questions and answers that anglers have regarding musky management in Pennsylvania.

“We’re hopeful that we can reach a diverse audience of musky anglers from around different parts of Pennsylvania and with different interests in musky fishing, whether you enjoy fishing large lakes, rivers or smaller waters,” Miko added. “So mark your calendars for October 18 and join us at Cabela’s in Hamburg.”

A tentative agenda for the meeting is available on the PFBC website.

To ensure there is enough seating available, the PFBC is requesting that anglers RSVP either by registering online http://tinyurl.com/on6gesb or by calling or emailing Mackenzie Ridgway.

RVSP Reply to:
Mackenzie Ridgway, Fisheries Management Secretary

The agenda will be...

Muskellunge Summit II Meeting - Tentative Agenda
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Cabela’s Store Conference Room
100 Cabela Dr.
Hamburg, PA 19526 (610) 929-7000
October 18th, 2014 @1:00 pm
Introductions – Dave Miko (10 min)
- Purpose of the Meeting
- Topics to be discussed
Management Strategies – Al Woomer (10 min)
- Brief Review of Musky Management Plan
- Stocking Process – Lakes/Rivers
- Trap Net Plan
Muskellunge Stocking Strategies – Bob Lorantas (10 min)
- What goes into determining the waters stocked and the stocking rates applied
Production Services – Jared Sayers (15 min)
- Current State of Musky Production
- Advances in Production Techniques
Musky Management Plan Current Tagging Studies:
- Coded Wire Tagging Project – Brian Ensign (10 min)
Break – (10 min)
Musky Management Plan Current Tagging Studies (Cont.):
- PIT Tagging Study & Musky Age Validation Study – Brian Ensign (10 min)
- Management Implications & Outcomes – Bob Lorantas (20 min)
Natural Reproduction on West Branch Susquehanna River – Jason Detar & Dave Kristine (10 min)
- Background
- Management Strategies
- Current Surveys/ Results
Musky Club Presentations:
1) Three Rivers Chapter #13 – Jim Buss (10 min)
2) Penn Jersey Musky Club Chapter #50 – Greg Ridge / Archie (10 min)
3) Central PA Musky Club – Pat Krumenacker (5 min)
Break – (10 min)
Question & Answer Session – (15 min)
Organize Small Groups for Feedback (25 min)
Closing remarks – Miko (5 min)
- Future direction
PFBC Staff will remain to answer any additional or unanswered questions following the conclusion of the formal meeting

October 10, 2014
7:51 pm
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 2219
Member Since:
October 14, 2005
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Really looks like an interesting agenda. Unfortunately, I'm already committed to go to a wedding in Jersey, so I won't able to attend.
I would really be interested in seeing what happens.

Any possibility of recording and maybe showing highlights at our next monthly meeting...???

Sometimes you've got to "jiggle' it, and sometimes you've got to give it one big

October 13, 2014
11:45 pm
Tom Sabia
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 902
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March 19, 2004
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I too have a wedding to attend that day but I plan to be at Cabelas. I may not be there for the entire meeting but I really want to to hear what the Fish Comm.has to say!

October 14, 2014
12:17 am
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 29
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January 6, 2014
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I plan on attending. let me know if there is anything I can do to help out for our presentation etc.

October 20, 2014
10:42 pm
Matt Lysek
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 110
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April 24, 2012
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The Fish commision put on very informative meeting. Lots of great info , the meeting was 4.5 hrs long and well worth it . The western Pa chapters were there also.
Ive got some new waters to fish now .

Kind of dissapointing MI 50 showing though .

October 20, 2014
11:24 pm
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 2213
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March 22, 2004
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Thanks for posting. I was out of town and unable to make it. Hopefully our lack of representation does not hurt our relationship with the commission and the efforts we are making.



October 21, 2014
12:09 pm
Mike D
Forum Posts: 1999
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October 1, 2008
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Wife was away for the weekend and I had to drive my kid to a social function late afternoon. Glad it went well.

October 21, 2014
11:11 pm
Matt Lysek
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 110
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April 24, 2012
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I dont think thats a problem Dave our core member contacts are doing a great job!

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