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Chautauqua Prendergast Hatchery Benefit Tournament
February 5, 2006
8:54 pm

Capt. Larry Jones of Mostly Muskies Charter ran a Muskies First Tournament at Lake Chautauqua Ny. A few years ago. It was a great success and everyone had a very good time. Larry is now in the process of putting together another “CATCH AND RELEASE” tournament with no judge boats at Chautauqua Lake. It will be held on October 7th and 8th, 2006. Arrangements are being made with Snug Harbor Restaurant for Steak Dinner Saturday night and Chicken Wings & Hamburgers for Sunday. The Raffle Table will be on Saturday Night, all proceeds will go to the Prendergast Hatchery Baitfish Fund, along with all money left over after Tournament/Dinner costs. All prizes will come from donations from local businesses around Lake Chautauqua and Musky Tackle Co.'s. This Will Not Be A Cash Tournament, Prizes Only, the intent is to raise money for the purchase of Baitfish for the Pendergast Hatchery. In order to have this Tournament with Dinner format and still give a sizeable donation to the Hatchery Fund we will need to charge $50 entry fee per person.

The stage for all of us to give something back to the Great Chautauqua Lake Musky Fishery, purchase Baitfish so that the Musky Fry can be grown into yearlings giving them a much better chance of survival. T

Those who can't fish the Tournament can still support the Hatchery Baitfish Purchase Fund by sending in a donation, all donation money will go 100% directly into the Fund.

PLEASE send your Tournament Entry Fee of $50 to Mostly Muskies,268 Harrison Ave, Buffalo, NY 14223 before the end of February.

For more info got to: http://www.mostlymuskies.com/reports.htm

Muskie Guide Jim Ott

February 5, 2006
11:11 pm
Forum Posts: 187
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February 7, 2005
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This sounds like a good time. Bob, Chuck, and I have had some great days at Chatauqua !!

Fred Jones Sr.

February 28, 2006
6:49 pm

Capt. Laryy Jones and myself (Jim Ott) will be at the World Fishing & Hunting Expo in Suffern Ny. this weekend:


We will be in the St. Croix Fishing Rods booth. Please stop by and say hi and talk muskies. I am personally involved with voluntary work at the Ny hatcheries which provide muskies to Nj.   

Lake Chautauqua, Ny. is my "home" lake.

Also, I'm helping with  putting together the EMA (Eastern Muskie Association) which will be a separate Muskie Association consetrating on the eastern muskie states and their improvement. New Jersey should take special attention to jump on board with us.

Please stop by the booth and ask for Jim Ott "MuskieOtter"  Muskie Guide

February 28, 2006
11:58 pm
Forum Posts: 1050
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May 19, 2004
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Is this different from the Eastern Muskie Alliance?

We may only see what we look for.

March 1, 2006
12:54 am

Sorry for the miss wording. It's the same.

The EMA is only in its 1st steps and not established yet. A survey will be sent out to see how many musky hunters are going to be interested. Don't quote me but I believe they will go to current Muskies Inc. members.

I'm still in the "don't know" stage myself with most of this. I figured since I'll be at the World fishing Expo that this might give me a good chance to get input from Nj. and Eastern Pa. musky hunters.

Hope to see you there,

Muskie Guide Jim Ott

March 1, 2006
3:22 am

Hey Jim
Nothing personally but it seems that the EMA doesnt even know we exist or care and as far as im concerned id rather spend my money on our own muskie program out here in eastern Pa and Jersey. We already stocking new waters, float stocking fish, and working on holding our own muskies over. What will another club do for us we already are doing some thing for our local waters ?????

March 1, 2006
4:30 am

I agree with musky mattL,With this alliance involving several states, I don't see where it would benefit our fisheries any more than what this club is already doing on its OWN.This club is taking care of its own area waters(waters where most of the members will do at least 90%of their muskie fishing).I much rather donate my time or money to improve local muskie waters than pay money to another club that might use it to improve a body of water in which I may never fish.

March 1, 2006
5:06 am
Forum Posts: 187
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February 7, 2005
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Well said both Matt and Steve ! This EMA dissed us from the very beginning. Better it should be called something else. Chapter22 and 50 ARE the MOST EASTERN muskie inc. chapters.

Fred Jones Sr.

March 1, 2006
2:30 pm
MI50 group
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March 22, 2004
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As I had said when this issue was first discussed, I'm willing to lend a hand where ever I can be of help, but I won't be throwing any more money at a different organization that really doesn't benefit this area. That being said, I don't want others to think we're a group of isolationists that have blinders on and can't see the benefit of banding together with other musky enthusiasts to change laws and introduce legislation, either local, state or nationwide, that will benefit the resource as a whole.
Remember: give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish for muskie he may never eat again!!!! [&]]



March 1, 2006
3:49 pm


Thanks for the educated words.

Originally, I sought out this Chapt. 50 message board to make aquaintances with my fello Nj./Pa. muskiehunters. This was my 1st visit to it. My goals were one: to let everyone know I would be at the World Fishing Show in Suffern, Ny this weekend, so that friends could be made and anyone wanting to come to Capt. Jones' tournament at Lake Chautauqua could meet the two of us at the show. I know many of your locals do like to fish Lake Chautauqua, Ny . In fact it's hatchery provides eggs to your state.

Second: I have just begun being involved with the new EMA (Eastern Muskie Alliance) and would like to get a feel for where the Nj. & Eastern Pa. muskie hunters are feeling on this issue. I have received many thanks from people who want to know how to join. I have also now been bashed by some who feel they don't need anyone outside of Nj.

I would like to respectfully respond to those who feel EMA would not help them. Where do your eggs come from that have built your current muskie programs? Is'nt it Ny. & Pa. What if something would happen to these hatcheries? Would you now be out of a source for eggs. Would'nt it be wise to support them to assure your own needs. How much money has the ("Big Muskie Club of the U.S.) brought to your areas. Have they bought you $5000.00 worth of minnows each year and so on. If anyone doesn't want to create a local alliance to help, say, 8 states rather than 16 states, then you are already waisting your club fees which are supporting lakes out west.

Hey, I'm just like you guys.  The reason I'm into this EMA is because I want something done right here in the local areas. Another example is I've been working with Ny officials to try and get a study done on the dredded "Redspot" disease. I am happy to announce that Cornell University has been given a grant to do a Redspot study at Lake Chautauqua this Spring. For those of you who don't know what Redspot is. It is a disease of unknown cause and no cure which can wipe out an entire lake of its muskies and effect no other fish. How long would it take for a lake to get back it's muskie population if that happened. How many man hours and how much money would have been lost and have to be repaid again for the next 10-20 years to get the muskies back. Food for thought.

These are the type of things I just want to open your eyes to. Our local states have been working together well and we need to keep it going strong. Just another thought for those who may not understand (EMA is NOT a separation of Muskies Inc. in any way or form). It has nothing to do with them. EMA would be a new alliance of local states helping support themselves not someone else's states.

If any of you have felt dissed by someone from the EMA in the past. Please direct your complaint toward them. I am new to the EMA and am here to make a difference in all of our states. I've personally been a muskie fisherman for over 40 years and I've seen what Redspot can do to a lake. I'm only here to try and help.

If anyone wants to talk to me please feel free to email me at: muskieotter@hotmail.com

Muskie Guide Jim Ott   [&]]

March 1, 2006
5:40 pm
Forum Posts: 1050
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May 19, 2004
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Jim, there is a history that you are not aware of between MI50 and the start of EMA. We have a thread on our message board that explains it all.
From your message I can't tell if you think we are bashing you. That's not the case.
You can't expect guys to change feelings about an organization just because someone new wants us to get involved.
I'm not the most educated guy in our chapter about the hatcheries, but I am pretty sure that most of our eggs come from trap netting at Belmont and Mercer.
I'm sure that if information is presented to us we will listen and consider the merits of joining. I don't want to speak for the rest of the club. I just haven't seen anything yet that makes it worth my efforts.

We may only see what we look for.

March 1, 2006
7:46 pm

O.K. I guess I should'nt have said bashing but it sure was'nt a "Hi welcome to our message board".

The past history was made aware to me yesterday. I apoligize for the comments made by others and I'll talk with them for their side of the story.
As for me "hey I'm just a guy looking to improve muskie fisheries". I don't think anyone can ever join too many muskie clubs to support muskie fisheries. Many people even just make donations.

As for the eggs many do come from Ny. & Pa. along with Nj. for Nj. Just maybe not to one particular lake you are thinking of.  I too belong to  local clubs and support my local hatcheries. But I also will strive out for bigger and better things and not be satisfied that everything will be O.K. forever. Those old enough know not to take things for granted and a fishery that took decades to built can fall apart very quickly.

All I was trying to do is offer some support and help.

Hope to see some people from this board at the show,

Muskie Guide Jim Ott   ;D

March 2, 2006
5:11 am
Forum Posts: 908
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June 23, 2004
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Welcome to the board, MuskieOtter!!!

Sorry that you got caught up in what was a very sore subject for us a number of months back. I was one of the guys who had a phone conversation with one of the founders of the EMA and was told "we didn't know that there are Muskie waters in Eastern PA and NJ" and "it probably won't help you guys in Eastern PA and NJ, since most of the votes and most of the money will go into Western PA and Chataqua".

If there is new leadership and a new focus of the Alliance, we'd certainly like to hear about it. We too are only interested in bettering our Muskie waters in PA and NJ.

Thanks for getting in on the discussion, you'll find that we are very passionate about our Muskie fishing, sometimes to a fault.

Capt. Dieter Scheel    http://www.BigDRiverGuide.com

March 2, 2006
5:18 am

Hi Jim
Welcome to our board I spoke with you early today and you seem like a nice guy. I think I speak for all of us when I say we also want to improve Musky fishing. We never really found out what the EMA could do for us locally. Our club works hard and we have some very dedicated guys we are willing to listen to what you have to say. What are the goals and how does it work and how will we be involved ? Tom

March 2, 2006
1:32 pm


I have'nt heard back from Joe yet and I'm leaving for the World Fishing/Hunting Expo and won't be back until next week.  I'll get back to you as soon as I get the proper info.



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