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May 2, 2005
9:27 pm
MI50 group

Forum Posts: 475
Member Since:
February 19, 2004
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Under the members-only reports section, I have placed map links to a few selected bodies of water.
It is uses a newer technology powered by google. Switching between satellite and map views is easy, as is getting directions. If you think this is useful, let me know, and I will add this to all bodies of water listed in our reports section.
-arch out

May 2, 2005
10:32 pm
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 2213
Member Since:
March 22, 2004
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hey Arch,

Thanks for the effort. I haven't reviewed it yet but this could be of great help in laying out a plan of attack on a given body of water.



May 3, 2005
12:53 am
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 357
Member Since:
March 6, 2005
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hey Archie,

I think the maps are great. You can zoom in pretty close and see a lot of detail. I was able to pan over to the Delaware at Trenton falls and pinpoint the exact location of where I picked up a few stripers Sunday. They will be helpful in locating ramps, sharing info. between members, and even to mark where fish have been seen or taken for future trips. A perfect example would be that I have never fished Mercer, but read about a refference to the "jetty". I deduced from the map that the jetty is just to the left of the ramp and extends out pretty far.

I do know that these maps are only updated every five years. (We've used them for some land development approvals in the past.) I found my house on one of the maps and it shows a swimming pool in the back yard. I removed that pool over three years ago! Not a big deal, but I thought I'd point it out.

By the way, what are the "stitch marks" in the upper left hand corner of Mercer? Are you taking X-rays of the lake on you free time? -Eric

May 3, 2005
2:20 am

Hey Eric,thats the starting gate for the scullers.On your marks,get set,they b*#w. {&}Bob

May 3, 2005
4:17 am
Forum Posts: 1050
Member Since:
May 19, 2004
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Another excellent job from the Roche man! Yo Arch -Why does my computer lock up when I try to exit the maps? It happened three times in a row. Must be that stinkin WIndows ME I'm stuck with.

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