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Reports section of this message board
December 10, 2004
11:30 pm
MI50 group

Forum Posts: 475
Member Since:
February 19, 2004
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Soon the officers will be getting together do some brainstorming for the upcoming year. One of the topics on the table will be whether to lock down the FISHING REPORTS section of the message board to members of muskies inc.
As many might guess, there are advantages and disadvantages to doing such a thing. Off the top of my head, I can think of the following advantages:
1) More reports as members may feel more comfortable with sharing information with ‘brothers’. At the end of the year, the reports will be compiled and given to State officials. For example, we can let Mike Kaufmann know that the Nock was fished by 30 different people on 20 different days during the spring, and the end result was 6 pickerel and an old boot.
2) More specifics in the reports - most members want to help each other catch muskies, but may feel as though the information may fall into the hands of someone who hasn’t been taught proper muskie catch and release.
3) The folks that have been on the fence, with regards to getting involved, must make a decision if they want to continue reading the reports section.

Some of the disadvantages might be:
1) More administrative overhead
2) Potential members may never realize the excitement that is echoed in a good fishing report. We want to turn people onto muskie fishing. The more members we have, the more we may be able to improve the fishery.

I’m sure both members and non-members have your own thoughts. I’d like to hear them before I vote.

December 11, 2004
1:48 am
Forum Posts: 1050
Member Since:
May 19, 2004
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I see your dilemma with the "lock-down". It's valuable information for us, but I wouldn't want to see every bass fisherman on Mercer holding a muskie either.
I know it's more work for you, but how about keeping a members only section and posting selected "edited" reports for the general public. We can still pass on the excitement with members pictures and these few stories. What do you think?

We may only see what we look for.

December 11, 2004
8:00 pm

Ive also been thinking about the situation on the board. maybe we could break the area in genral sections and post them that way without specifics of a true members secret spots . I think we are getting a feel for our diehard core members who do share there info freely and I beleive that if a member does a genral post on say section 5 Pa waters are hot now, two fish caught on a black suick but no specifics like the third rock down from the fallen oak tree on lake X. that might help new members get some intrest. Its a hard decision I dont think the club want to look like a muskie clik and turn new members away. ??? Musky Matt L

December 12, 2004
5:11 am
Forum Posts: 225
Member Since:
March 26, 2004
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Is your plan to leave it accessible to all MI members or just MI50?  I think there are people who contribute who may be members of different chapters for various reasons.  As you know, I am a member of #44 (Colorado) because of where I live, but do about half (which still isn't much) of my muskie fishing in MI50 territory.

Even if it were only members reading it, I still wouldn't say which rock I was standing on or even at which creek mouth, and I don't expect others to do the same.  That type of information takes a long time to earn.  I often do share more detailed information in personal emails or in person while fishing.

Locking down the reports will give non-members an incentive to join and also help to weed out meathunters.  Those guys must just be drooling over Tom's reports.


December 13, 2004
3:52 pm
MI50 group
Forum Posts: 2213
Member Since:
March 22, 2004
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


     I believe my position on this particular subject is evident to anyone who has read my postings.  I figure with the other sections of the site hi-lighting our trips and the good work that some have done, not to mention the Photo Gallery, there are plenty attention grabbing aspects to the site.  If a non-member needs anything more to insite him/her to join then they're not that interested to begin with.
     As cd has pointed out, the information however limited, should be earned not given.  If we just wanted have general publishing of this kind of information then we wouldn't really need the club or the overall organization at all. Just my opinion and tell me when to duck so I don't get hit by everything that's thrown at me.  ::)



December 14, 2004
1:55 am

I'd like to thank Archie for starting this post and everyone for responding.Its a difficult choice to make.On one hand we dont want to seem secretive or selfish.I've had help from other muskie fishermen and it can definetly shorten the learning curve.I would hate to shun away anyone trully interested in this sport or helping us acheive our goals.On the other hand,its been alot of hard work for myself and others to figure out the locations,sesonal movements and tactics that have made this so fun.Give them away......I dont know.Will the people taking that info properly release those fish.Will they respect what theve been given and not abuse the person giving them the info by camping out on ones spot.Will they PUT BACK INTO THE RESORCES buy helping the clubs goals.Some will and some wont.I wish there was an easy answer but there isnt.I guess it just has to be decided by the guys supporting the club now.Thanks again,Bob

December 14, 2004
3:07 am

Can we make our own private room with a combination for members and friends of club. We could list it below other reports and we could post in both. ???

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