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Threats to Fishing...
February 13, 2005
10:32 am

Anglers as well as hunters need to recognize the growing threat to our sports by activists who will settle for nothing less than banning anything and everything they don't believe in. It agitates me totally and I hope it does all of you also... because we need to get agitated enough to continue to promote our sportsmanship and good public perception.

Here are two links for you to check out...


Tight Lines, AL B.

February 13, 2005
10:03 pm

WOW,pretty funny stuff.Eating fish isnt healthy?The hooks hurt there mouth and they need a veterinarian.Become a vegeterian.Dont plants feel pain.They start as a seed and grow till they die.Unless someone comes along and slaughters them for food.How would you like someone to come and cut your head off,boil it,and put cheese sause on it to eat.Give me a break.A 10 year old can see though there crap.Bob

February 13, 2005
10:08 pm

Al,my bitterness is not directed torwards you.Thanks for the info.Bob ;D

February 13, 2005
11:57 pm
Forum Posts: 1050
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May 19, 2004
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It's always fun to hear from PETA.  Their beliefs that looking at any animal is torture is ridiculous.
I happen to like my chapter of PETA:  People Eating Tasty Animals!

We may only see what we look for.

February 14, 2005
7:46 am


I know your bitterness wasn't directed at me. You are right, most people can see through P.E.T.A.s bologna, but the sad part is that there are still a lot of people who buy into the illusion, hook, line and sinker (pun intended).
Their goals are to eliminate hunting and fishing, and also (believe it or not) to end ownership of animals, even "Rover."

San Francisco now has an ordinance (lobbied for by animal groups) whereby no individual can "own" an animal, converting former pet "owners" to guardians, and thereby undermining an individuals claim to their pet. It seems that althought the light of the sun comes from the east... the darkness of change comes from the west. These are rumblings of things to come, and perhaps you or I won't be around to see the worst of it, but it would be a sad thing if our children and grandchildren had their rights to hunt and fish curtailed.

Perhaps the most ironic point of all of this is that hunters and fishermen have done more to help wildlife and fisheries than all of these organizations put together.

I realize this was not a subject directly related to musky fishing, but rather an indirect issue which is important to know about. As I said in the original post it irritates me tremendously that there are people who try to impose their beliefs on others.

Well, enough said by me on this matter.

Tight Lines, Al B.

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